

NVIDIA Promises Massive Time Savings in Video Editing

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment July 12, 2021

NVIDIA RTX graphic cards are not just for gamers, they are perfect for creators, too. The new GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and 3070 Ti promise unsurpassed performance and massive time savings.

Hundreds of Trillions of Pixels: NVIDIA and RED Digital Cinema Solve 8K Bottleneck

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 16, 2018

State-of-the-art cameras can capture 8K video (which contains four times the pixels of 4K), but those pixels can create a massive computational logjam when editing footage.
Consider: an 8K camera captures at 8192×4320, or more than 35 million pixels per processed frame. So, just five minutes of that video at 24 frames per second is 250 billion pixels. Figure that a typical shoot involves hours of content, and you get past 100 trillion pretty quickly. To handle that oceanic volume, post-production professionals rely on powerful, expensive workstations, high-end custom hardware and time-consuming preprocessing. But that’s all about to change with Turing.

Video Editing with a Notebook, and a NVIDIA External GPU

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 7, 2017


NVIDIA making laptops and mobile devices more powerful and efficient.