Tag: production hardware

SlingStudio is ‘Music to Their Ears’ for Postmodern Jukebox

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 12, 2018

Postmodern Jukebox is a rotating musical collective known for reworking popular modern music into different vintage genres such as swing and jazz. Each week, Postmodern Jukebox posts a new video on YouTube and over time have amassed more than 1 billion YouTube views and 3.6 million subscribers.

City of Highland Park Upgrades to Mobile HD Studio

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 13, 2018

System integrators and Elite NewTek resellers Key Code Media worked with the City of Highland Park, IL, to move up from SD production to a mobile HD studio. Home to a variety of festivals and events that the city production team covers, and a local government that values live broadcast and streaming of meetings and sessions, mobile production made sense. Key Code saw to ensuring future-proof production by making the 4K-capable All-IP NewTek TriCaster® TC1 the heart of the live production suite. The TC1 system is the most complete multi-camera live production system on the planet, providing the backbone switching, live streaming, recording, graphics, digital effects, keying, layering, virtual sets and social media publishing tools to produce a modern broadcast from studio or onsite.

How project options affect SlingStudio maximum disk recording times

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 19, 2018

This table of maximum disk recording times, based on different recording options, can give you an idea how your choices affect the quantity of video that can fit on a disk.

NDI® at InfoComm 2018

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 10, 2018

The scope of differing equipment and applications that have adopted NDI® is breathtaking. Everything from media storage servers to real-time graphics production systems to Microsoft’s ubiquitous calling system, Skype, is including NewTek’s bi-directional technology for IP transport of video, audio, metadata and communications.

Video streaming hardware and software: which one is right for me?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 11, 2018

When getting into live video production, sooner or later, the question of comparing video streaming hardware and software inevitably comes up. At first glance, the topic may seem intimidating and confusing, but don’t worry: we are here to help. What are the differences between video streaming hardware and software? Which one is better? Which one should I pick? Let’s dive right into the answers to these questions.

NewTek NDI All-IP Video Production Environment

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 17, 2017

With the advent of NDI® 3.0 and the accompanying products, NewTek NDI PTZ Camera and NewTek Connect Spark™ HDMI2NDI and SDI2NDI signal converters, the NewTek vision of an end-to-end IP pipeline from acquisition to delivery is now a reality. Also for the first time, a production pipeline can be all-NewTek (with a little help from a couple of great technology collaborators) from acquisition to delivery.

Promotion Alert! Focus on Upgrades

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 13, 2017

Join us this Thursday at 2pm ET to learn more about these upgrade specials and more!

Review: Telestream Wirecast Gear

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 15, 2017

Successfully using all of the desktop mixing features in Telestream Wirecast features requires a powerful, finely tuned computer. Telestream recently released its own series of bundled systems, Wirecast Gear. In this review, we put a test system through its paces.

NewTek and Wowza Release MediaDS

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 19, 2017

Encoder offers NewTek proprietary IP inputs, world-class color correction, and an integrated Wowza Streaming Engine for live delivery.

First announced at IBC in Amsterdam last September, the NewTek/Wowza Media Systems MediaDS (Media Distribution System) is now available for immediate purchase. The MediaDS unit comes in a one rack-unit (1RU) form factor and is priced at $11,995.

NewTek, Wowza Launch MediaDS Turnkey Streaming Appliance

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 12, 2017

NewTek has begun shipping MediaDS, a new 1RU appliance that integrates the company’s real-time production technology with live streaming software from Wowza.