Tag: RED-camera

RED Digital Cinema To Showcase Real-Time 8K Workflow Alongside Latest DSMC2® Cameras And Accessories At NAB 2019

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 9, 2019

RED Digital Cinema® will showcase the soon to be released RED R3D® SDK for NVIDIA® CUDA-accelerated platforms, alongside the DSMC2 MONSTRO® 8K VV, GEMINI® 5K S35 and the new RED […]

RED Joins with Facebook for Virtual Reality Camera

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 21, 2018

While Facebook has been fine tuning its Oculus Headset into a more affordable virtual reality option, the one thing missing from the equation has been content creation. While the company closed its VR studio back in 2017, it’s now looking to create a virtual reality camera, and is joining forces with RED to do it. Could this the next module for the Hydrogen holographic mobile phone?

Behind the Scenes | The Creative Workflow of La Cumbre

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 5, 2018

Go behind the scenes with Stept Studios and see how the G-Technology Evolution series helped maximize their RED workflow. From the G-Drive ATC Thunderbolt to the G-Speed Shuttle XL ev, G-Tech makes their workflows possible even in extreme conditions.

G-Technology for RED Camera

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 22, 2017

G-Technology for RED cameras

RED sparked the 4K revolution in 2007 and established a trend in stunningly rich, ultra-high-definition filmmaking that continues through today. This industry transition disrupted traditional workflows with digital-era rapidity, and each sensor generation, while giving creators unprecedented image quality and creative potential, also imposed a fresh set of demands.

Billionaire Jim Jannard Launches First Virtual Reality Smartphone

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 10, 2017

RED camera 3D VR

Jim Jannard has made a career out of revolutionizing lenses. His first business was sunglasses brand Oakley, which started out of his car with $300 in 1975. After going public in 1995, it later sold to Luxottica for $2.1 billion. In 2005, he founded RED Digital Camera, which reimagined how to build high-resolution cinema cameras. It has since become a favorite of directors from James Cameron (Avatar) to Ridley Scott (The Martian) to Peter Jackson (The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit).

RedShark looks at 8K workflows with RED & G-Tech

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 6, 2017

Recently we’ve been working with RED and G-Technology to look at some of the issues surrounding working with greater than 4K resolutions. This time, we’re looking at workflows.

First of all, let’s look at why you might want to work in 8K.