Tag: remote production

NewTek NDI KVM Technology Helps With Social Distancing

By Jamie G 0 Comment August 19, 2020

With the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, businesses were forced to practice social distancing and work from home. While many were not prepared for this change, owner of Burgos FX and industry leader in live production and TriCaster, Jose Burgos was. Burgos being one of the the three people to ever obtain the certification of “NewTek Authorized Trainer,” he was able to use his wide expertise’s in NewTek to take on the challenge of remote work.

Live @ Epiphan: NDI for Remote Video Production (ft. BirdDog)

By Jamie G 0 Comment July 20, 2020

George Herbert, the support manager at Epiphan Video was joined by BirdDog’s CMO and co-founder Eamon Drew for this weeks Live @ Epiphan. They discuss NDI + SRT workflows, the growth of remote production, and how BirdDog’s customers are using NDI.

Remote Production is Here to Stay!

By Jamie G 0 Comment June 12, 2020

Remote working has become the new normal due to Covid-19 and it seems like it will be here for a while. The enforced self distancing has made an positive impact on creative industries and are predicted to do so in the future.

Avid is Powering and Enabling Remote Post Production Workflows

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment June 11, 2020

The folks at Avid put a great landing page together for creators working with remote production workflows. Loaded with links to guide you along the way to remote post production. We really like the success stories from real users, using Avid to edit and create during this time of COVID-19 and social distancing.

Remote Production Tools : Live Interviews With Remote Guests.

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment May 7, 2020

With a free tool called Skype TX you can embed Skype calls from any device into your production with a very simple set up.

Talking Remote Editing with the Expert Michael Kammes

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 24, 2020

As we watch the spread of the coronavirus continue so does the talk about remote editing and editing at home so I wanted to talk remote editing with an expert on the subject, Michael Kammes. I’ve had calls about this, I’ve been messaged about it and I’ve seen tons of discussion online about it. I know a bit about some ways to edit remotely but not enough to answer all of the questions I had been receiving. I thought to myself… who knows the most about this topic than anyone else on the planet and that was an easy answer in my friend Michael, of 5 Things fame.