Tag: sports production

3play 3P1

New Product Alert – NewTek 3Play 3P1 IP Replay System

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 15, 2017

NewTek 3Play 3P1 IP Replay System: The World’s Most Complete Sports Production System

Video Tutorial on Producing Live-Streamed Sports Video with the NewTek TriCaster TC1

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 25, 2017

The NewTek TriCaster TC1 has sports written all over it, featuring 4K, 60p, and built-in instant replay, all designed to give producers the latest and greatest live production tech in a compact package.

Vest-Pocket Live Sports Production Truck Packs Powerful Punch

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 14, 2016

Once upon a time, television production trucks were like cruise ships on wheels. They pulled into a sporting event, swaggering with self-importance; fifty feet of gleaming metal pulled behind a pavement-buckling Peterbilt that belched diesel smoke and deafened every innocent bystander within a mile’s radius. Once parked, these production trailers began unloading thousands of pounds of equipment and unspooled miles of cable. Inside one these lustrous fifty-foot beasts, you might find a dozen or more crew members, all working away happily, while the truck sucked down power like a thirsty brontosaurus.

NewTek 3Play 4800 and 3Play 440 Q2 Promotions

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 12, 2016

3Play PromotionsBeginning April 11, 2016 through June 24, 2016, sports producers and educators will want to take advantage of our special offers on top-of-the-line 3Play systems. NewTek’s limited time offer Q2 3Play promo, should help you close any deals you may be working on, and provide a reason for current customers to upgrade.