Tag: storage_solutions

G-Technology Strengthens Hollywood Roots at Cine Gear 2016

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 3, 2016

Premier Storage Solutions Brand Announces Partnership with Atomos to Create Products that Streamline the Creative Process from Ingest to Storage; G-Technology Sneak Peeks New Technology at Cine Gear.

Enterprise Drives: Simply Better For Pros

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 19, 2016

If you could travel back in time to the early ’80s and survive all of the hair spray, you’d might realize that a year’s supply of hair products would be cheaper than a gigabyte of hard disk storage. Today, you can get the same capacity for less. Because you can pile up terabytes for the price of a family dinner at a local restaurant, it’s tempting to buy the least expensive, consumer-grade hard disk drives (HDDs), especially when enterprise-grade drives of the same capacity cost noticeably more.

Avid Nexis Next Generation of Intelligent Media Storage

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 18, 2016

Avid is excited to announce the Next-Generation of Intelligent Media Storage — NEXIS!

Avid NEXIS is the world’s first software-defined storage platform for media. Composed of an intelligent file system and pre-integrated hardware, Avid NEXIS enables true storage virtualization for any media application. Scalable to support the smallest production teams to the largest broadcast enterprises, Avid NEXIS offers new levels of flexibility, scalability, control and extensibility to MediaCentral Platform applications and services.

Download Avid NEXIS Storage Playbook