Tag: titling

NewBlue announces Titler Live 4 for live streaming and broadcast

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 31, 2018

The new version of NewBlue’s on-air graphics solution, Titler Live 4, offers live streamers and broadcast professionals a solution at a fraction of the cost of competing systems.

NewBlue Titler Pro Upgrades: Save 30% Off Upgrade to v4

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 23, 2016

Anyone who has Titler Pro v1 – v3 qualifies for the 30% Off Titler Pro 4, Titler Pro 4 Elite and Titler Pro 4 Ultimate upgrade. This means that Avid and EDIUS customers qualify, too, as they own Titler Pro 2 or Titler Pro 2.5.

Customers who buy now get a free upgrade to Titler Pro version 5 expected to be released this November.

NewBlueFX Titler Pro 4 Flash Sale! Today through Friday

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 24, 2016

35% OFF Titler Pro 4Get 35% off Titler Pro 4, Elite, or Ultimate and get a FREE upgrade to Titler Pro 5 when it is released.

NDI and Live Titling

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 20, 2016

NDI technology delivers extremely low-latency video streams over a local area network such as the 1Gbps Ethernet network in your office or studio. Previously, if you had two TriCaster systems in two different studios, you may have had to string an HD-SDI cable or fiber connection between them. Now, as long as the systems are connected on the same LAN, either system can send a stream to the other over the network. 
Read this article and learn so much more on NDI and Live Titling

NewBlue Announces Titler Live Broadcast for Popular Live Production Systems

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 21, 2016

Press Release (San Diego, California–April 18, 2016)

NewBlue Inc., a leading provider of production-proven video special effects, transitions and titling technology, today announced Titler Live Broadcast, a new affordable, high-quality, 3D, animated titling solution for live production. Titler Live Broadcast supports popular production systems such as NewTek Tricaster, Telestream Wirecast, Blackmagic ATEM, Roland Switchers, and vMIX Go. Users of NewTek’s NDI (Network Device Interface) can stream graphics and text on up to 16 independent channels all from a single Mac or Windows computer.