Tag: tools

NewTek Advisory: IP Video Roadmap; Q2 Promo – 3 weeks left; NDI Online Training; New Sales Tool

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 14, 2016

NewTek Resellers

1. We know that understanding the new IP Video Workflow may be difficult for some and trying to explain it may be even more difficult. So, we’re putting together a series of educational guides on the benefits of the IP/NDI workflow. Find out more below.
2. Q2 3Play Bundle Promo ends on June 24, 2016.
3. Also, you won’t want to miss our upcoming webinar on the various NewTek NDI applications. Be sure to sign up using one of the links below.
4. If you missed our new sales enablement tool, Double Your Revenue in 1/2 the Transactions, the link to download it is below.