Tag: tricaster-mini

How To Design Your Audio Setup for TriCaster Mini, Part I

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 17, 2017

Perhaps you own—or are strongly considering getting—a TriCaster Mini. Either way, you know that TriCaster Mini is a powerhouse production system in a box, and that you can connect it to virtually any set of HDMI cameras for live webcasting and/or live-to-disk recording. However, it may not be so obvious how to create your audio setup.

What Livestreaming Tools Are Best for Your Business?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 20, 2017

As business owners experiment more with live video, the choices in livestreaming tools are becoming increasingly diverse. For software and accessory makers, word of mouth and user acquisition are crucial to solidify top-of-mind status early on, before the market for SMB livestreaming tools reaches oversaturation and eventual consensus.

How to Shoot and Stream Live Interviews with TriCaster Mini and Skype

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 14, 2016

Lon Seidman’s Lon Reviews Tech Youtube Channel has over 80,000 subscribers and growing. Among his popular features are the “behind-the-scenes” videos that demonstrate how he produces quality shows as a one-person crew working both sides of the camera. In this video, he shows how he conducts live interviews, operating a TriCaster Mini for switching, graphics and streaming as he is also on-camera conducting the interview. He makes use of the TriCaster automation capabilities, including the ability to save profile templates for particular types of shows that include presets for the M/E buses, media players, graphics players and other resources.