Tag: tricaster

New Promotion Alert! NewTek ProTek Amnesty Promo 5%

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 11, 2017

Starting on December 6, 2017, NewTek launched a ProTek Offer that provides increased channel margin to resellers for the program, and allows customers to add ProTek coverage to existing system(s) without incurring any penalties or reinstatement charges.

NewTek TriCaster TC1 Trade-Up Offer EXTENDED

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 5, 2017

RADE-UP EXTENDED TO 12/21/17 and with BIGGER SAVINGS Customers can trade in older TriCasters for the TriCaster TC1

Pain and Buffering: MediaDS Saves Award-Winning High School Media Program

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 20, 2017

American flags flutter from every streetlight along Park Avenue in downtown Amherst, Ohio, despite the fact that it’s closer to Labor Day than the Fourth of July. At Ziggy’s Restaurant, the heady smell of Thursday’s perennial lunch special, the homemade meatloaf sandwich, begins to waft up into the foggy, early morning air. The Marion L. Steele Comets are just two days away from the high school football season opener, and every square foot of lawn in this town of 12,000, 35 miles west of Cleveland, is littered with signs extolling “Comet pride.” Welcome to small-town America, a snapshot of the past, frozen in time.

Last Chance to Trade-Up Old TriCasters to TriCaster TC1

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 13, 2017

MAY BE LAST CHANCE EVER for your Customers to trade in older TriCasters for the TriCaster TC1. It’s EASY. Get started here.

Learning From The Best: Jose Burgos, TriCaster Rock Star

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 19, 2017

José Burgos is a rock star. Everyone says so. He’s the Michael Jordan of the TriCaster, the Mohammed Ali of TalkShow, the Peyton Manning of 3Play. Sit José down in front of the TriCaster, and he’ll not only make it sing but tap dance as well. If you need the ceiling of your chapel painted, you call José. End of story.

BET bets on NDI for live production

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 4, 2017

Manhattan-based BET Networks has been using NewTek’s NDI IP technology for several years now – and they aren’t looking back

University Tests NDI to Remedy Space, Budget Limitations

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 15, 2017

Like many universities across the country, the athletics department at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has experienced some growing pains over the last few years as its video production requirements have evolved.

Earlier this summer, NCCU partnered with Jack Guthrey of Marshall Graphics Systems to examine whether a cutting-edge NDI® video network solution from NewTek could help them solve the space and budget limitations they faced within their football stadium.

NewTek in The Classroom

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 11, 2017


Video production students get a close look into the field they want to pursue with NewTek equipment.

NAB 2017: Interview with Sinbad, Comedy Legend and Internet TV Pioneer

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 26, 2017

Comedy legend Sinbad came to the NewTek booth at NAB 2017 to look at getting the essentials for his newest project, a new Internet channel with multiple shows.

NewTek TriCaster Virtual Set Editor Tutorial

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 19, 2017

Bring your dream studio to life.

Realize your vision for a professional-looking studio – wherever you want it. With a simple setup, a few square feet of space, and Virtual Set Editor, you can transform any location into a spectacular virtual environment that dramatically raises your production value and adds instant credibility to your presentation.