
Tag: twitch

Twitch vs. YouTube vs. Facebook for Free Live Streaming

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 12, 2018

Let’s start with YouTube. While Facebook has gotten a lot of attention lately, YouTube offers some distinct advantages. Let’s consider audience first.
YouTube doesn’t have a newsfeed or pages or groups. All it has is video. Sure, there are channels and playlists, but they’re just a collection of videos. Even the discussions on YouTube are centered around videos.
So, it should come as no surprise that YouTube wants you to watch videos. In fact, they don’t care (for the most part) which videos you watch as long as you stay on YouTube to watch them.
With that said, newer videos tend to be more relevant to questions being asked, so YouTube tends to promote those. Since nothing is newer than live, anyone searching on YouTube (or Google for that matter) is likely to get some live, or recently live videos as part of the search.