Tag: workstations

iMac Pro is the most powerful iMac there’s ever been. Here’s our review

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 8, 2018

At the start of the year, the creative shop where I edit picked up three iMac Pros to upgrade our systems. In the past seven months, the iMac Pros have proven to be workhorses, running Premiere Pro, After Effects, and DaVinci Resolve with ease. Underneath its appealing, all-in-one, space grey enclosure, the iMac Pro delivers serious performance

Buying An Avid Pro Tools System? Then Read This First

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 29, 2017

For those of you looking into getting into audio recording of any kind Avid Pro Tools has been the standard and continues to be a leader in the industry. Just like with any media device there are some things you need to consider before purchasing. Not only for the item you want, but what other

Five of the Most Powerful 4K Video Editing Laptops You Can Currently Get

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 30, 2017

Hardware technology continues to move forward at a fast pace as the broad adoption of 4K acquisition makes the creative process and video editing, in particular, more demanding than ever before. Nowadays, editors need hardware that provides much more power and speed to be able to efficiently run high-end video editing software and handle those high-resolution media accordingly.