
The Best Recording Monitor of 2018 | Atomos Ninja V Review by Georges Cameras

The Best Recording Monitor of 2018 | Atomos Ninja V Review by Georges Cameras

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment January 2, 2019

We here at Broadfield absolutely love the Atomos Ninja V monitor/recorder.  Atomos has been shown to continually produce next-level monitors and this versatile device checks off a lot of boxes when it comes to video production with DSLR or mirrorless cameras.  It looks like we’re not the only ones who are impressed.  This product review from Georges Cameras is just another of many satisfied users discussing what they love most about the Atomos Ninja V.

The Atomos Ninja V is by far one of the best value for money monitors out right now.  It combines a great high quality monitor with recording capabilities.  With the age of mirrorless cameras now, the Atomos Ninja V is one of the most essential accessories right now.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.