The Top 15 Streaming Upgrades Any Church Can Do

The Top 15 Streaming Upgrades Any Church Can Do

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 30, 2019

Is your live stream everything you want it to be? If not, it’s likely that budget is part of the reason why. Here, some simple (inexpensive) improvement measures.

It’s probably easy to think of reasons why your live stream isn’t everything you want it to be. Most of them are likely financial. When that’s the case, it can be easier to ignore the things that you can do because of what you can’t.But it’s a good idea to ask what could improve, given the same circumstances.

So, consider this article just that—a list of things to consider. Perhaps, they won’t all be applicable, but something on this list will no doubt make your live stream better. Who knows, maybe a little improvement will free up some finances for others. So, with that in mind, put all the reasons why these ideas won’t work aside. Try them, because nearly every church has room to grow, even if there isn’t money to buy new equipment. 

       1. Make better use of what you have

Let’s start by taking an honest look at your live stream and possible changes that don’t involve money. Are you using your equipment as a professional would? Where have you said, “That doesn’t apply to us?” Reconsider it if you have.

       2. Ensure better shot selection

Remember who your audience is and where they’re viewing your live stream. They’re not sitting in the seats in your sanctuary. They don’t have the advantage of seeing the “wide shot” in person. All they have is the live stream. With a video feed that’s strictly IMAG, it’s easy to become disoriented if you’re not in the room. That’s why directors at live events show wide shots to establish the location. It helps set the scene in the mind of the viewer. If you’re cutting between close shots, it might not be obvious that the piano is stage left and the drums are stage right. An occasional wide shot helps establish this. Click here to read the full article.