
TriCaster® TC1 Leads 2017 Top 12 Products List

TriCaster® TC1 Leads 2017 Top 12 Products List

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 19, 2018

From NewTek

Media Production Gear Supplier Declares 2017 “The Year of NDI®

Like many of us like to do, Gary Bettan from in the New York metro area, takes a look back at the year just ended and selects his choices for the top products introduced in 2017. Unable to narrow it down to a Top 10, his list includes a Top 12. After declaring 2017 “The Year of NDI,” seven of his top 12 products are NDI-enabled including three NewTek products.

“We’ve posted several videos this year featuring NDI and NDI products. Many of the products on this year’s Top 12 list are NDI-based. Kudos to Dr. Andrew Cross and his team over at NewTek. NDI adoption has been tremendous and new NDI products and workflows keep coming. That is why I will say it again: 2017 was the year of NDI!”

From his top 12 list, Bettan picks out a single product – the TriCaster TC1 – as the Product of the Year followed by the other 11 worthy products in no ranked order.

The Top 12 list entries that support NDI include:

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