vMix Announces NewTek NDI Support

vMix Announces NewTek NDI Support

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 19, 2016


NDI – Network Device Interface is a technology that makes it easy to send and receive multiple channels of broadcast quality, low latency video over an existing Gigabit Ethernet Network. File Sharing has been possible for decades over a local network, so why not live video? With NDI, this is now possible and in a way that makes it perfectly suited for live production and streaming applications like vMix!

vMix and NDI – what can it do?

  • Receive multiple channels of video and audio from any NDI compatible device or PC on the network. SD, HD and 4K are supported. vMix provides the same functionality for these inputs as it does for traditional HDMI and SDI Cameras sources including the ability to use them with transitions, streaming, recording, MultiCorder and even Instant Replay!  vMix also includes a free vMix Desktop Capture application that can share the desktop, including audio of any PC or Mac.
  • Share the Output of vMix, including audio to any NDI compatible device or PC on the network including another computer running vMix!  In vMix 4K and Pro you also have the ability to send a second output through the use of External 2 feature to send an independent source such as Preview, Output, Input or MultiView.
  • Camera added to vMix using a Capture Card can be shared over the network.
  • Audio Inputs such as from ASIO USB interfaces or Sound Cards can be shared over the network.
  • All four Audio Outputs (Master, Headphones, A and B) can also be shared over the network.
  • For help on any of these NDI features, refer to the vMix Documentation.

vMix and NDI – what are the system requirements?

  • vMix 17 or higher
  • Intel or AMD processor supporting SSE3 or higher (This includes nearly all i5 and i7 processors released since around 2005)
  • Window 7, 8 or 10 with 64bit recommended for best results The number of simultaneous sources that can be sent and received will depend on the speed of the processor. A modest 3 Ghz PC can generally receive 4 full HD NDI sources (or more) at the same time.

Does NDI work over WiFi?

NDI will work over a wireless network but at a reduced frame rate depending on the bandwidth available. As a general rule of thumb 100Mbit is recommended per 1080p video feed. The actual bandwidth used may be much less than 100Mbit (even below 20Mbit) depending on the complexity and size of the video being sent.

Is vMix compatible with 3rd party NDI products?

Yes! If the hardware or software supports NDI, it can be used with vMix.

vMix Desktop Capture for NDI

vMix Desktop Capture for NDI is a free application for PC and Mac that can send the desktop, including audio of the local computer to any NDI compatible device on the network, not just vMix.

  • Fullscreen Game Capture at up to 60fps on Windows 8.1 and 10 PCs
  • Capture any software including PowerPoint with full support for transitions and other motion effects
  • Audio supported

Which Edition of vMix do I need to use NDI?

NDI is supported in all vMix editions including the free Basic edition and the low cost Basic HD edition. The same capabilities available for Cameras in each edition also apply to NDI. For example the 3 Camera support in Basic HD represents the total number of Cameras and NDI sources you can bring in. So either 3 NDI sources, or a combination such as 1 Camera and 2 NDI, or 2 Cameras and 1 NDI. In the same way, sending the External 2 Output over NDI is only available in the 4K and Pro editions.