
Why FCPX 10.3 is the NLE of the future

Why FCPX 10.3 is the NLE of the future

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 25, 2017

Opinion: Final Cut Pro X might have driven swarms of editors into the arms of Apple’s rivals, but with FCPX 10.3 Apple finally delivered on the promise of the software and, if you edit, you owe it to yourself to leave your preconceptions at the door and check it out. By Khaled Spiewak.

So once upon a time, FCPX was released and, like most of you, I hated it. Spat the dummy and thew all the toys out the pram. What was this? I thought. Why is my timeline constantly moving? What’s this Fischer Price effects on my side?! Away back to iMovie, with you! I’m a pro here.

It wasn’t a happy time. My humble beginnings of video editing dated back to 2003 using Final Cut Express all the way through to the mighty FCP7. I spent thousands of man hours trying to master my craft with the tools presented. I made a commitment. These were my tools for story telling and for what? Apple dragged it’s heels like a crazed grinning Jack Torrance wielding an axe and destroyed all that was beautiful and took seven years of MY experience with them. I felt betrayed….[continue reading]