YoloBox Review: Simple & Affordable Live Streaming Setup For Houses of Worship

YoloBox Review: Simple & Affordable Live Streaming Setup For Houses of Worship

By Jamie G 0 Comment June 11, 2021

The YoloLiv YoloBox is small in size but big in pro capabilities. This powerful encoder, switcher, monitor and recroder has made a huge difference for houses or worship looking to stream. With it’s affordable price tag and simplicity the YoloBox is the perfect piece of equipment to get started in the live streaming space. Music Ministry 101 on YouTube does a great review on the YoloBox that he uses weekly for his church services. Check it out here.

Music Ministry 101 ended his video saying ” Super glad with our descision to purchast this and it’s super simple to use so that when the day comes that i’m sick or cant be here, someone will just set it up and bam! be ready to live stream and it’s totally professional and awesome.”

Check out the review on YouTube here!

Learn more about the YoloBox here!