
My ScriptSync Story Started With “Glee”

My ScriptSync Story Started With “Glee”

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 3, 2017

Avid ScriptSync makes the process of reworking and re-cutting my scenes so much more efficient.

 It frees up more of my time to focus on creative aspects of my cuts, instead of spending excess time searching through footage. Once I’ve watched all the dailies, I know what’s there.  But just because I can remember a certain line reading in my head, doesn’t mean I can quickly and precisely navigate to it.  But with ScriptSync, I’m able to find it faster.

The first time I used ScriptSync, I was cutting Glee.  I found it to be incredibly useful, particularly in scenes with large groups. This happened a lot on Glee as we would have sometimes 10, 12, or 14 characters all in the choir room at once.  Sorting through mountains of coverage was so much easier once we added ScriptSync to our workflow.

I also use it extensively when I’m working with directors and showrunners. Being able to click on the script and run through takes almost instantly is a huge plus for them as well.

I’m excited to have the new version and am looking forward to even more development and integration into our editing workflows in the future.