
Media Composer — Best of 2017

Media Composer — Best of 2017

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 13, 2017

2017 was a big year for Media Composer. Avid introduced many cool features to help improve the everyday editing experience. Some were big and grabbed a lot of attention (Hello, ScriptSync and 8K Project presets!) and some were smaller, but still very useful. Many of them were requested and voted upon by our Avid Customer Association. (Speaking of which, if you’re not already a member of the ACA, you should check it out. At the very least, come party with us at Avid Connect before we kick off NAB 2018!)

Now, back to Media Composer. You may have missed some of the enhancements Avid made to its flagship NLE in 2017. As we close out the year, let’s look back at the best of the new features. Also, make sure your subscription is up to date because 2018 is shaping up to be even better and you won’t want to miss out. And if you’ve never tried Media Composer, make 2018 the year you do.

Here we go!

Projects and Timeline Improvements
8K Project Presets

By now, you know that Media Composer is resolution independent, allowing you to create custom rasters. Digital signage? Portrait mode video for phones? Instagram? Customize the raster however you like. And with 4K becoming the norm, we’re pushing the envelope. 8K. That’s right. Granted, it’s not common, but the industry used to say the same thing about 4K. Media Composer already supported 8K, but now that it’s possible (and relatively affordable) to capture and monitor it, there’s no reason not to have it as a project preset. We snuck this one in, so if you don’t see it in your Media Composer, make sure your subscription or support contract is up-to-date….[continue reading]