
Avid and Adobe Collaborate for Easier Editing Workflows

Avid and Adobe Collaborate for Easier Editing Workflows

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment October 9, 2020

Avid is continuously working to make better, easier and more efficient workflows for it’s editors. Recently the folks at Avid collaborated with Adobe to do just that.

Avid and Adobe have set out to solve the issue of NLE’s not working together, or stopping editors from working on all platforms. With this goal in mind, Avid has released the MediaCentral Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro.

Check out some highlights from this article from below, to learn more.

Avid has introduced a landmark update: the MediaCentral Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro. On the surface you may think, “Well, I’ve been able to use Premiere on my Avid Nexis already,” which is true. But with the latest MediaCentral update, Adobe has been working with Avid to allow Avid bins and sequences to be compatible inside of Premiere Pro! When I heard that, I did a double take. You heard correctly, Adobe Premiere Pro will be able to fully import Avid sequences, complete with layers, third-party effects and more.

Media Central Panel for Adobe PremiereAmong many other features, Avid’s MediaCentral is a browser based way for users to ingest, search (metadata and phonetic), access, edit (4 tracks of video and 8 tracks of audio), with simple transitions, publish content to social media in the right aspect ratios with graphics and closed captioning capabilities. Its an amazing way to help search and organize assets on premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid of both.

Think of a field reporter uploading footage, doing a rough cut using the web-browser interface, and being able to send that to the editor to immediately begin work inside Avid Media Composer. Except now it’s also compatible with Premiere and can be accessed inside of Adobe’s NLE. MediaCentral will also be compatible with Adobe’s production workflow with bin/sequence reservations. Bin-locking on a Nexis inside of Premiere Pro, anyone? And as mentioned earlier, Premiere Pro will now be compatible with the FastServe servers to send to playout.

Check out the full article HERE.

Learn more about Avid HERE.