
Avid Delivers Unparalleled Openness with Adobe Premiere Pro CC through the Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector

Avid Delivers Unparalleled Openness with Adobe Premiere Pro CC through the Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 5, 2016

BURLINGTON, MA, 8/2/2016

Avid Everywhere enables Adobe Premiere Pro CC users to collaborate with Avid users more seamlessly than ever before Avid_Media_Index_UIAvid® (Nasdaq: AVID) today announced the availability of Avid MediaCentral™ | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC, enabling Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC users to connect into Avid’s production environment through the Avid MediaCentral™ Platform. Using the Extension Panel in Adobe Premiere Pro CC in conjunction with Avid MediaCentral | UX, Adobe Premiere Pro users can now collaborate with Avid users at an unprecedented level, enabling customers to mix and match tools to fit their workflow needs and budgets.

“The openness of the MediaCentral Platform enables us to fulfill our commitment to giving media professionals the integrated and collaborative workflows they need, regardless of the tools they choose to use,” said Alan Hoff, vice president, Market Solutions at Avid. “With Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC users can now benefit from the enhanced flexibility, efficiency and collaboration of Avid media management systems.”

The Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC presents the MediaCentral | UX user interface within the Adobe Premiere Pro CC user interface, allowing customers to connect their Adobe editors to Avid workflow solutions, including Interplay® | Production, Interplay | MAM and iNEWS®. This enables creative services departments using Adobe Premiere Pro to benefit from access to additional production assets, and production teams to leverage the large installed base of trained Adobe Premiere Pro users. Adobe and Avid customers can boost workflow efficiency, enabling editors to easily manage any type of asset, automate non-creative production tasks, and reduce operational costs throughout the production process. “Open, connected systems have been a goal of Adobe for many years, and this integration helps ensure an optimal experience for creatives,” said Sue Skidmore, head of partner relations for Professional Video at Adobe. “By eliminating wasted time and resources on integrating solutions from different vendors, Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC enables media professionals to focus on their creative endeavors and developing engaging content.” With the Avid MediaCentral | UX Connector for Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC editors can: Register Avid Assets to Adobe Premiere Pro Projects for Editing in Place: Check out master clips in Adobe Premiere Pro-supported formats Check out simple sequences for in-place editing Send rendered sequences back to Avid Access Avid media not directly supported in Adobe Premiere Pro via optional conversion to MXF OP-1a and simple XML shotlists ▪ Search for media assets via the central Media | Index ▪ Chat with other MediaCentral | UX users ▪ Navigate database hierarchies ▪ See, add, and modify metadata