
Avid DNxIO Review

Avid DNxIO Review

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 3, 2016

From Hubpages

My Thoughts on DNxIO
Terence Curren

At Alpha Dogs we do a lot of finishing work on everything from reality shows in HD to features in 4K. Our challenge has always been how to deliver the best quality in the most economically beneficial way to our clients.

When Alpha Dogs started back in 2002, our business was 100 percent Avid. I could see where the future was going with Final Cut Pro, so unlike most of the post houses in Los Angeles, we worked hard to specialize in finishing projects created in Final Cut Pro. By 2010 over 75 percent of our finishing business was on projects offlined in Final Cut Pro. Then Apple made a business decision that many felt signified their leaving the high-end post market behind with the release of FCPX in 2011. This gave a reprieve to a market share losing Avid, and opened a door that both Adobe and now Blackmagic have heartily stepped through.

We do what we do because we enjoy being a part of our client’s storytelling media creation. That means we tend to not play platform favorites which allows us to work as efficiently as possible with projects coming from a variety of nonlinear editors. However this presents real challenges in building out a facility and keeping it technically current. It also presents a challenge for artists who need to be masters of their software when there are too many options to truly master them all…[continue reading]