
Boost Your Career with Media Composer

Boost Your Career with Media Composer

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 21, 2018


Since the 1990s, Avid has been the leader in film and television editing and post-production, due to its rock-solid stability, enormous range of format compatibility and familiar workflow. It’s used by award-winning editors in Hollywood and everywhere else filmmakers tell their stories.

People who use Media Composer gain an advantage over editors working solely with other platforms. New editors discover the complexities of every editing tool they encounter, and choose one over another for various reasons. Media Composer already includes a lot of technical advantages whether your project is for entertainment or any other purpose, such as business or education.

If you’re proficient in another application for your editing workflow, or you’re completely new to video editing, great! Media Composer has advantages that go beyond software.

On Oscar weekend, Igor Torgeson at the New York Film Academy discussed three primary reasons that Avid Media Composer is the required software for their students in film editing:

1. It’s the Industry Standard
Media Composer is a must for an editor with an interest in working in entertainment. Wherever you find people working in film or television post-production, you’ll find Media Composer. In fact, all six of the editors nominated for an Oscar* for Best Picture and Best Editing in 2018 used Media Composer for their films. Many top editors know the software so well they also teach it in schools and online courses. If that’s your goal, you should make Media Composer your primary tool….read more